ODINes la abreviatura para Oem Driver INstaller, y como su nombre lo indica su proposito es instalar un driver en el sistema operativo, el driver denominado oem-drv86.sys u oem-drv64.sys, simulando SLIC 2.1 que a su vez burla el servicio de autentificación de licencias de NT6.1 de Windows, El sistema operativo sera activado como original de y usted podra disfrutar de todos los beneficios como las actualisaciones automaticas, etc.
Odin abbreviation for Oem Driver Installer, and as its name suggests its purpose is to install a driver on the operating system, the driver called oem-drv86.sys oem-drv64.sys or simulating SLIC 2.1, which in turn defeats the authentication service of licensing NT6.1 Windows operating system will be activated as the original from and you can enjoy all the benefits of the automatic actualis, etc.